Economic Investment Alliance Statement on Introduction of ALIGN Act

Coalition applauds newly introduced bicameral legislation to restore 100 percent full expensing to drive economic growth and shore up American competitiveness worldwide.

Washington, JANUARY 22, 2025 — The Economic Investment Alliance today released the following statement commending Senator James Lankford (R-OK) and Representative Jodey Arrington (R-TX) for introducing the ALIGN Act which would make permanent one of the most pro-growth tax policies in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

“Full expensing is a common-sense, pro-growth policy that helps businesses of all sizes grow and reinvest in their communities. It incentivizes investment in new equipment, infrastructure and technology made here in the United States.

Full expensing generates more investment per dollar of tax revenue than any other tax provision and benefits American workers, strengthens supply chains and enhances America’s ability to compete in the crowded global marketplace. This policy is one of the most effective ways to spark economic growth and provides much needed certainty for a range of diverse industry sectors.

We are eager to work with Senator Lankford, Representative Arrington and Congressional leaders to quickly pass this legislation which will spur new economic investment that generates beneficial ripple effects in communities across the U.S.”

The Economic Investment Alliance is a coalition of innovative companies and organizations supporting the permanent extension of full expensing.